And since he has no sexual memory, he will never become aware of just how terrible he really is in bed.Īn Aries lover is all about his id – his unharnessed, instinctual drive for instantaneous sexual fulfillment. His goal is to have the best orgasm of his life, which he unfortunately equates with having the quickest orgasm of his life. He’ll have a great physique, more than likely, but he’ll be using it for his own sexual gratification. You can tell them about it, even send them away for a weekend retreat on the topic, and they will conveniently forget all about it as soon as they get their next erection (which will occur the minute they see you).Ī male with Aries energy is all male, especially when it comes to his body. But the good news is, they’re ready to go again in five minutes.

These men are the premature ejaculators of the zodiac. If you’re going to have relationships, if you’re going to have sex and you’re going to get the most out of your intimate life, you need to pay attention to the signs – and I’m not talking about that look he’s giving you from across the room. So, even if the sun sign is all you know, much of what I’ve written below should ring true, perhaps painfully so. The sun does, however, rule the fifth house of “sex for fun.” The sun and the fifth house represent creativity, self-expression, the ego and your man’s romantic nature. The sun sign alone is not the determining factor of what sexual behaviors to expect from your partner. If he has a Cancer sun but his moon and Venus are in Virgo, the description of Virgo below might hold more truths for you than the explanation for Cancer.

If he has a Pisces sun but his rising sign and Mars are in Aries, he’ll be more like an Arian in bed. To get the most out of this post and site, learn as much as you can about your partner’s (or partners’) natal astrological chart and determine which signs are most significant. Pluto rules intense, passionate and transcendental sexual unions and if it’s located in certain houses of the birth chart (first, fifth and eighth in particular, but also the fourth and seventh), he is likely to be more amorous and sexually driven. The sign that rules Mars (sex, desire and the will to conquer) in his birth chart is also very significant, as is Venus, the ruler of love, harmony, relationships and all forms of coupling. The sign on the Ascendant will tell you more about your lover’s outward style than anything else – this is the image of himself he presents to others. The Ascendant rules the first house (Aries’ house) of the body, the sex drive/desire nature and self-assertion. If you know his rising sign, definitely check that sign’s description below. You may need a decoder, however if you don’t know the glyphs (symbols) for each of the signs and planets, go here. Find the day he was born and the ephemeris will give you the information you seek. If you know his birthday, you can find out which signs each of the planets were located in at the time of his birth by Googling “ephemeris” and the year of his birth. And then you’ll know what you’ll be getting, or not getting, in the bedroom. the Ascendant), moon, Venus and Mars signs, and the rest of his chart for that matter (including Pluto’s house placement), then you’ll have a much better idea of which one, two or three signs most prominently reflect his sexual personality. But if you can also determine your partner or potential partner’s rising sign (a.k.a. When you read the descriptions below (yes, they are designed to make you laugh as well as think), you may only know the sun sign. But you should know yourself well enough by now to know which style of lover suits you best, if I were to describe them for you. If you study your own natal (birth) chart, and specifically the placements of Venus, Mars and Pluto, you’ll have a good idea of which signs are compatible with yours. What is your ideal bedroom partner? Or your top three? What type of lover should you search for? What type of lover would be best for you to avoid?