Click on the information icon to see the inference.The expected colour and the original colour of the cobalt chloride paper shows in the left pane of the simulator.Small icons on both surfaces of the leaf shows the time taken to change from blue cobalt chloride paper to pink in colour.We can observe cobalt chloride paper strips on both surfaces of the leaf slowly change their colour from blue to pink.A timer is shown and you need to wait till the timer stops.Click on the start button to start the experiment.We can observe dried cobalt chloride paper strips which are blue in colour on upper and lower surfaces of the leaf.Click on the proceed button to view the leaves more closely.To select a particular plant, click on the corresponding icon.
Simulator Procedure (as performed through the Online Labs)

Place the strips on the wire gause to allow them to dry.Remove the strips from the solution using forceps.Keep the strips in the solution for 3-5 minutes.Take some filter paper strips and dip them in the cobalt chloride solution.Take 3 % cobalt chloride solution from beaker and pour into the Petri dish.